Software MPC
программное обеспечение MPC. Экземпляр SWMPC не представляет собой реального объекта и служит только для структурирования иерархии включения. "Потомки" экземпляра SWMPC представляют собой диспетчиризуемые (загружаемые) образы ПО для загружаемых модулей типа, включающего объекты класса MPC.

Англо-русский cловарь терминов и сокращений по мобильной радиосвязи стандарта GSM. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "SWMPC" в других словарях:

  • Bannered routes of U.S. Route 31 — Several bannered routes of U.S. Route 31 exist. In order from south to north they are as follows.TennesseeU.S. Route 31 Alternate exists between Nashville and Pulaski, Tennessee.Indiana Business routes in Indiana are not maintained by the Indiana …   Wikipedia

  • Galien River — The Galien River is a stream in the southwest region of the U.S. state of Michigan. The river was named after René Bréhant de Galinée, a French missionary and explorer. [Galien River Watershed Management Plan, section 1.1 Overview, pg. 5] The… …   Wikipedia

  • St. Joseph, Michigan —   City   Location of St. Joseph, Michi …   Wikipedia

  • West Michigan — West Michigan, also known as Western Michigan, is a region in the U.S. state of Michigan in its Lower Peninsula.DefinitionDefinitions of the boundaries of the region vary widely; in many contexts, the term West Michigan is applied only to the… …   Wikipedia

  • M-139 (Michigan highway) — This article is about the state highway in Michigan; for other uses, see M139 (disambiguation) M 139 M 139 highlighted in red …   Wikipedia

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