regional\ subscription

regional\ subscription
региональное абонирование. Назначение мобильному абоненту списка зональных кодов для каждой PLMN. Этот список может быть составлен из максимум 10 идентификационных номеров зон регионального абонирования (RSZI). Каждый RSZI идентифицирует зону регионального абонирования, в которой мобильному абоненту разрешен или не разрешен роуминг, в зависимости от назначений в базе даных VLR.

Англо-русский cловарь терминов и сокращений по мобильной радиосвязи стандарта GSM. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "regional\ subscription" в других словарях:

  • Regional lockout — is the programming practice, code, chip, or physical barrier used to prevent the playing of media designed for a device from the country where it is marketed on the version of the same device marketed in another country.ExamplesVideo games*In the …   Wikipedia

  • Regional Science High School Union — (RSHS Union) is a specialized system of public secondary schools in the Philippines, established during the 1994 1995 school year. It is operated and supervised by the Department of Education, with a curriculum heavily focusing on math and… …   Wikipedia

  • Regional Arts Board — The Regional Arts Boards were arts organisations in the regions of England.Regional Arts Boards were formed in 1990 as a result of the Wilding Review. Richard Wilding had been the senior civil servant at the Office of Arts and Libraries and on… …   Wikipedia

  • Regional implementations of DAB — The radio technology known as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is being operated in several regions worldwide, either in the form of full commercial services, or as feasibility studies. Along with the UK, we also find a growing user base in… …   Wikipedia

  • Regional cuisine — Hyderabadi Biryani, an Indian meat and rice dish. Pub grub a pie, a …   Wikipedia

  • Subscription television in Australia — Deliveryatellite* Foxtel and Austar both use the Optus C1 satellite. * SelecTV uses PAS 8. * UBI World TV uses Optus B3. * The various GlobeCast World TV platform services use PAS 8. * MySAT uses PAS 8. * Jadeworld uses PAS 8. * The various… …   Wikipedia

  • Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research — The Canadian Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research (ICURR), located in Toronto, Ontario was established in 1968 following a Federal Provincial Conference on Housing and Urban Development for the purpose of exchanging… …   Wikipedia

  • San Joaquin Regional Transit District — Infobox Public transit name = San Joaquin Regional Transit District imagesize = 150px locale = Stockton, California transit type = Bus began operation = system length = San Joaquin County / 1,489 mile2 (3,854 km²) lines = 66 stations = ridership …   Wikipedia

  • List of newspapers in Germany — Below is a list of newspapers in Germany, sorted according to circulation as of early 2003 (magazines mid 2005; national subscription papers end 2008), as listed at which tracks circulations of all publications in Germany. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… …   Universalium

  • Television in Australia — began as early as 1934 in Brisbane with experimental transmissions by amateur station VK4CM.cite web title = Birth of Our Nation publisher = Brisbane Courier Mail url =… …   Wikipedia

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