reference\ configuration

reference\ configuration
эталонная конфигурация. Сочетание функциональных групп и опорных точек, определяющее возможные варианты конфигурации сети.

Англо-русский cловарь терминов и сокращений по мобильной радиосвязи стандарта GSM. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "reference\ configuration" в других словарях:

  • Configuration interaction — Electronic structure methods Tight binding Nearly free electron model Hartree–Fock method Modern valence bond Generalized valence bond Møller–Plesset perturbation theory …   Wikipedia

  • configuration — noun Etymology: Late Latin configuration , configuratio similar formation, from Latin configurare to form from or after, from com + figurare to form, from figura figure Date: 1559 1. a. relative arrangement of parts or elements: as (1) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • reference — Synonyms and related words: acknowledgment, advocacy, advocating, advocation, affective meaning, allusion, angle, appeal to, applicability, application, appositeness, aspect, bearing, by line, case, certificate of character, certification,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Reference circuit — A reference circuit is a hypothetical electric circuit of specified equivalent length and configuration, and having a defined transmission characteristic or characteristics, used primarily as a reference for measuring the performance of other,… …   Wikipedia

  • configuration — 1. The general form of a body and its parts. 2. In chemistry, the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule. The c. of a compound ( e.g., a sugar) is the unique spatial arrangement of its atoms such that no other arrangement of these atoms is… …   Medical dictionary

  • configuration — Synonyms and related words: Platonic form, Platonic idea, aesthetic form, angle, archetype, aroma, art form, aspect, attribute, badge, brand, build, cachet, cast, character, characteristic, conformation, constellation, contour, cut, delineation,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Multireference configuration interaction — In quantum chemistry, the multireference configuration interaction method consists in a configuration interaction expansion of the eigenstates of the electronic molecular Hamiltonian in a set of Slater determinants which correspond to excitations …   Wikipedia

  • Baseline (configuration management) — Configuration management is the process of managing change in hardware, software, firmware, documentation, measurements, etc. As change requires an initial state and next state, the marking of significant states within a series of several changes …   Wikipedia

  • Interaction de configuration multi-référence — La méthode d interaction de configuration multi référence (Multireference configuration interaction MRCI) est une méthode de chimie quantique. C est une forme d interaction de configuration, c est à dire que la fonction d onde est développée sur… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Supply-Chain Operations Reference — model (SCOR(r)) is a process reference model developed by the management consulting firm PRTM and AMR Research and endorsed by the Supply Chain Council (SCC) as the cross industry de facto standard diagnostic tool for supply chain management.… …   Wikipedia

  • Interaction de configuration — L interaction de configuration (configuration interaction en anglais CI) est une méthode post Hartree Fock linéaire variationnelle pour la résolution de l équation de Schrödinger non relativiste dans l approximation de Born Oppenheimer pour un… …   Wikipédia en Français

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