extended input/output system
расширенная система ввода/вывода

Англо-русский cловарь терминов и сокращений по мобильной радиосвязи стандарта GSM. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "EIOS" в других словарях:

  • EIOS — Equations in Order of Solution Contributor: MSFC …   NASA Acronyms

  • -ean — suffix var. of AN. * * * see an * * * an element used to form adjectives from nouns ending in ea: crustacean. [ < L e(us) (Gk eios), ae(us) (Gk aios), e(us) + AN] * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • Attic Greek — Distribution of Greek dialects in the classical period.[1] Western group …   Wikipedia

  • Einar Osland — (17 December 1886 ndash; 16 February 1955) was a Norwegian politician for the Liberal Party.He was born in Lavik og Brekke.He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament from the Market towns of Vest Agder and Rogaland in 1950, but was not re elected …   Wikipedia

  • Archilochian — /ahr keuh loh kee euhn/, adj. Pros. of or pertaining to a form of poetic meter devised by the Greek Archilochus in which various types of meter are combined in the same line or couplet, as a dactylic tetrameter plus a trochaic tripody. [1745 55;… …   Universalium

  • Atlantean — /at lan tee euhn, leuhn /, adj. 1. pertaining to the demigod Atlas. 2. having the strength of Atlas: He was of monumental girth and Atlantean power. 3. pertaining to Atlantis. [1660 70; < L Atlante(us) ( < Gk Atlánteios of ATLAS, equiv. to Atlant …   Universalium

  • caduceus — caducean, adj. /keuh dooh see euhs, syoohs, sheuhs, dyooh /, n., pl. caducei / see uy /. 1. Class. Myth. the staff carried by Mercury as messenger of the gods. 2. a representation of this staff used as an emblem of the medical profession and as… …   Universalium

  • canopy — /kan euh pee/, n., pl. canopies, v., canopied, canopying. n. 1. a covering, usually of fabric, supported on poles or suspended above a bed, throne, exalted personage, or sacred object. 2. an overhanging projection or covering, as a long canvas… …   Universalium

  • choriambus — /kawr ee am beuhs, kohr /, n., pl. choriambi / buy/, choriambuses. choriamb. [1840 50; < LL < Gk choríambos, equiv. to chor(eîos) choric + íambos IAMB] * * * …   Universalium

  • Cyclopean — /suy kleuh pee euhn, suy klop ee euhn/, adj. 1. of or characteristic of the Cyclops. 2. (sometimes l.c.) gigantic; vast. 3. (usually l.c.) Archit., Building Trades. formed with or containing large, undressed stones fitted closely together without …   Universalium

  • -ean — an element used to form adjectives from nouns ending in ea: crustacean. [ < L e(us) (Gk eios), ae(us) (Gk aios), e(us) + AN] * * * …   Universalium

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