digital\ connection

digital\ connection
цифровое соединение. Совокупность цифровых каналов передачи или цифровых телекоммуникационных цепей, коммутационных и других функциональных средств, организованная для передачи цифровых сигналов между двумя или более точками телекоммуникационной сети с целью поддержки одного сеанса связи.

Англо-русский cловарь терминов и сокращений по мобильной радиосвязи стандарта GSM. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "digital\ connection" в других словарях:

  • Digital Control Bus — (parfois Digital Connection Bus[1] ou Digital Communication Bus[2]) est un type d interface utilisé sur certains instruments de musique électronique. C est une interface propriétaire développée par la société Roland Corporation en 1981[3]. Elle… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Digital Control Bus — DCB (Digital Control Bus, Digital Connection Bus[1] or Digital Communication Bus[2][3] in some sources) was a proprietary data interchange interface by Roland Corporation, developed in 1981[3] and introduced in 1982 in their Roland Juno 60 and… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital signage — Digital sign video clip, Dearborn, MI Digital signage as flight information display system at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Digital signage is …   Wikipedia

  • Digital Equipment Corporation — Industry Computer manufacturing Fate Assets were sold to various companies. What remained was sold to Compaq. Successor …   Wikipedia

  • Digital Visual Interface — (DVI) A male DVI D (single link) connector. Type Digital and analog computer video connector Production history …   Wikipedia

  • Digital Living Network Alliance — Founded June 2003 (2003 06)[1] Headquarters 4000 Kruse Way Place, Bldg 2, Ste 250 La …   Wikipedia

  • Digital storytelling — refers to a short form of digital film making that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story. Digital storytelling is a relatively new term which describes the new practice of ordinary people who use digital tools to tell their… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital rights management — (DRM) is a term for access control technologies that are used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to limit the use of digital content and devices. The term is used to describe any technology that inhibits uses …   Wikipedia

  • Digital distribution — (Also known as digital delivery and Electronic software distribution) is the principle of providing digital information and content over the Internet in the form of products or services. It has been growing steadily and increasing rapidly since… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital Element — is a U.S. based corporation that first coined the phrase IP Intelligence , a technology that maps the Internet using non invasive methods and indexes by Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. First to market this technology and considered an early… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital terrestrial television in the United Kingdom — encompasses over 100 television, radio and interactive services broadcast via the UK s terrestrial television network and receivable with a standard television aerial. The majority of services, including those from the existing five analogue… …   Wikipedia

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